Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Type Of Racket and Shoes For Badminton


Badminton rackets are lightweight, with top quality rackets weighting between 70 and 95 grams (2.4 to 3.3 ounces) not including grip or strings.
They are composed of many different materials ranging from carbon fiber composite (graphite reinforced plastic) to solid steel, which may be augmented by a variety of materials. There is a wide variety of racket designs, although the laws limit the racket size and shape. Different rackets have playing characteristics that appeal to different players.The traditional oval head shape is still available, but an isometric head
shape is increasingly common in new rackets.
badminton racket
The main parts are called the handle, the stringed area, the head, the shaft, the throat and the frame. The handle is the parts of the racket intended to be gripped by the player. The strings area is the part of the racket with which it is intended the player hits the shuttle. Badminton strings are thin, high performance strings in the range of about 0.62 to 0.73mm thickness. Thicker strings are more durable, but many players prefer the feel of thinner strings. The head bounds the stringed area. The shaft connects the handle to the head. The throat (if present) connects the shaft to the head. The frame is the name given to the head, throat, shaft and handle taken together. The frame shall not exceed 680mm in overall length and 230mm in overall width. The stringed area shall be flat and consist of the pattern of crossed strings either alternately interlaced or bonded where they cross. The stringing pattern shall be generally uniform and, in particular, not less dense in the center than in any other area. The choice of grip allows a player to increase the thickness of his racket handle and choose a comfortable surface to hold. A player may build up the handle with one or several grips before applying the final layer.


badminton shoes
Badminton shoes are lightweight with soles of rubber or similar high-grip, non-marking materials. Compared to running shoes, badminton shoes have little lateral support. Badminton, however, requires powerful lateral movements. A highly built-up lateral support will not be able to protect the foot in badminton; instead, it will encourage catastrophic collapse at the point where the shoe's support fails, and the player's ankles are not
ready for the sudden loading, which can cause sprains. This is not only a safety concern, as proper footwork is critical in order to move effectively around the court.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Type Of Shuttle For Badminton

Shuttle :

The shuttle may be made from natural and/ or synthetic materials. From whatever material the shuttle is made, the flight characteristics generally should be similar to those produced by a natural feathered shuttle with a cork base covered by a thin layer of leather. The shuttle shall have 16 feathers fixed in the base. The feathers shall be measured from the tip to the top of the base and each shuttle shall be of the same length. This length can be between 62mm and 70mm. The tips of the feathers shall lie on a circle with a diameter from 58mm to 68mm. The feathers shall be fastened firmly with thread or other suitable material.
The base shall be 25mm to 28mm in diameter and rounded on the bottom. The shuttle shall weight from 4.74 to 5.50 grams.
The skirt, or simulation of feathers in synthetic materials, replaces natural feathers. However, because of difference in the specific gravity and other properties of synthetic materials in comparison with feathers, a variation of up to 10 percent is acceptable.
Subject to there being no variation in the design, speed and flight of the shuttle, modifications in the above specifications may be made with the approval of the member association concerned. In places where atmospheric conditions due to either altitude or climate make the standard shuttle unsuitable. If special circumstances exist which make it otherwise necessary in the interest of the game.
To test a shuttle, use a full underhand stroke which makes contact with the shuttle over the back boundary line. The shuttle shall be hit at an upward angle and in a direction parallel to the side lines.
A shuttle of correct speed will land not less than 530mm and not more than 990mm short of the other back boundary line.

Service Court Error

A service court error has been made when a player has served out of turn, has served from the wrong service or standing on the wrong service court while being prepared to receive the service and it has been delivered.
If a service court error is discovered after the next service had been delivered, the error shall not be correct. If a service court error is discovered before the next service is delivered, the following rules apply.
If both sides committed an error, it shall be a 'let' (called by umpire, or by a player if there is no umpire to halt play). If one side committed the error
and won the rally, it shall be a 'let'. If one side committed the error and lost the rally, the error shall not be corrected.

If there is a 'let' because of a service court error, the rally is replayed with the error corrected. If a service court error is not to be corrected,
play in that game shall proceed without changing the player's new service courts.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rules Of Badminton Consider The Following As Faults

Rules Of Badminton Consider The Following As Faults
If the shuttle lands outside the boundaries of the court, passes through or under the net, fail to pass the net, touches the ceiling or side walls, touches the person or dress of a player or touches any other object or person
If the initial point of contact with the shuttle is not on the striker's side of the net. (The striker may, however, follow, the shuttle over the net with racket in the course of a stroke).
If a player touches the net or its support with racket, person or dress, invades an opponent's court over the net with racket or person except as permitted.
If a player invades an opponent's court under the net with racket or person such that an opponent is obstructed or distracted or obstruct an opponent, that is prevent an opponent from making a legal stroke where the shuttle is followed over the net.
If a player deliberately distract an opponent by any action such as shouting or making gestures.
If the shuttle is caught and held on the racket and then slung during the execution of a stroke.
If the shuttle is hit twice in succession by the same player with two strokes.
If the shuttle is hit by a player and the player's partner successively or touches a player's racket and continues towards the back of that player's court.
If a player is guilty of flagrant, repeated or persistent offenses under law of continuous play, misconduct, penalties.
If, on service, the shuttle is caught on the net and remains suspended on top, or, on service, after passing over the net is caught in the net.

A 'let' may be given for any unforeseen or accidental occurrence. The rules of badminton consider the following as 'lets' :
  • If a shuttle is caught in the net and remains suspended on top or, after passing over the net, is caught in the net, it shall be a 'let' except on service.
  • If during service, the receiver and server are both faulted at the same time.
  • If the server serves before the receiver is ready.
  • If during play, the shuttle disintegrates and the base completely separates from the rest of the shuttle.
  • If a line judge is unsighted and the umpire is unable to make a decision.
A 'let' may occur following a service court error. When a 'let' occurs, the play since the last service shall not count and and the player who served shall serve again, except where in situations where the law of service court errors is applicable.

A shuttle is not in play when it strikes the net and remains attached there or suspended on top.
A shuttle is not in play when it strikes the net or post and starts to fall towards the surface of the court on the striker's side of the net.
A shuttle is not in play when it hits the surface of the court or a 'fault' or 'let' has occurred.
Play shall be continuous from the first service until the match is concluded, except as allowed in intervals not exceeding 90 seconds between the first and second games, and not exceeding 5 minutes between the second and third games.

The referee is in overall charge of the tournament. The umpire, where appointed, is in charge of the match, the court and its immediate surrounds.
The umpire shall report to the referee. The service judge shall call service faults made by the server should they occur. A line judge shall indicate         
whether a shuttle landed 'in' or 'out' on the line or lines assigned. An official's decision is final on all points of fact for which that official is responsible.

An umpire shall :
Upload and enforce the rules of badminton and, especially, call a 'fault' or 'let' should either occur.
Give a decision on any appeal regarding a point of dispute, if made before the next service is delivered.
Ensure players and spectators are kept informed of the progress of the match.
Appoint or remove line judges or a service judge in consultation with the referee.
Where another court official is not appointed, arrange for that official's duties to be carried out.
Where an appointed official is unsighted, carry out the official's duties or play a 'let'.
Record and report to the referee all matters in relation to continuous play, misconduct and penalties.
Take to the referee all unsatisfied appeals on questions of law only, (such appeals must be made before the next service is delivered, or, if at the end of the game, before the side that appeals has left the court).

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Rules Of Serving And Receiving Court

The rules of serving and receiving states are the part from the rules of badminton that a toss shall be conducted before a game starts. If you win, you can choose between serving first or to start play at either end of the court. Your opponent can then exercise the remaining choice.


You shall serve from, and receive in, the respective right service court when you or your opponent has scored an event number of points in that game.
You shall serve from, and receive in, the respective left service court when you or your opponent has scored an odd number of points in that game. The shuttlecock is hit alternately by you and your opponent until a 'fault' is made or the shuttle ceases to be in play.
When your opponent makes a fault or the shuttle ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of the court inside the your opponent's court, you score a point and serve again from the alternate service court.
When you makes a 'fault' or the shuttle ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of the court inside the your court, you loses the right to continue serving and no point scored, then you opponent becomes the server.


At the start of the game, and each time a side gains the right to serve, the serve shall be delivered from the right service court, only your opponent standing diagonally opposite of you shall return the service.
Should the shuttle touch or be hit by your opponent's partner, it shall be a 'fault' and your side scores a point.
After the service is returned, either you or your partner may hit the shuttle from any position on your side of the net, then either player from the opposing side may do the same, and so on, until the shuttle ceases to be in play.
If you are serving or receiving first at the start of any game, you shall any serve or receive in the right service court when your side or your opponent's side scored an even number of points.
You shall serve from or receive in the left service court when your side or your opponent' side has scored an odd number of points.
The reserve pattern shall apply to your partner. In any game, the right to serve passes consecutively from the initial receiver, then to that initial's receiver's partner, then to the opponent who is due to serve from the right service court, then to that player's partner, and so on.
You shall not serve out of turn, receive out of turn, or receive two consecutive services in the same game, except as provided in service court errors and 'lets'.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What is Rules Of Badminton?


The Rules of Badminton are very simple, before the 2006 Thomas/ Uber cup, the official scoring format was 15 points format.
The I B F (international Badminton Federation) then tested a new scoring format which is the 21 points rally format that replacing the 15 points format.
Badminton is played with either 2 people (singles), or 4 people (doubles). It is played on a badminton court, and is played by hitting a shuttlecock over the net to your opponent, using a badminton racket.
The shuttlecock is hit back and forward between you and your opponent, this is called a rally.
The basic rules of badminton states that a badminton match shall consist of the best of 3 games.
In doubles and men singles the fist side to score 15 points wins the game. In women singles, the first side to score 11 points wins the game.
If the score becomes 14-all (10-all in women singles), the side which first scored 14 (10) shall exercise the choice to continue the game to 15 (11) points or to 'set' the game to 17 (13) points.
The rules of badminton states that you have to changes ends with your opponent after finishing the fist game. If a third game was to be played, you shall changes ends when the leading score reaches 6 in a game of 11 points or 8 in a game of 15 points.