Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Service Court Error

A service court error has been made when a player has served out of turn, has served from the wrong service or standing on the wrong service court while being prepared to receive the service and it has been delivered.
If a service court error is discovered after the next service had been delivered, the error shall not be correct. If a service court error is discovered before the next service is delivered, the following rules apply.
If both sides committed an error, it shall be a 'let' (called by umpire, or by a player if there is no umpire to halt play). If one side committed the error
and won the rally, it shall be a 'let'. If one side committed the error and lost the rally, the error shall not be corrected.

If there is a 'let' because of a service court error, the rally is replayed with the error corrected. If a service court error is not to be corrected,
play in that game shall proceed without changing the player's new service courts.

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